DrMeth FAQ

Getting Started

To get started click on the flask icon to produce product, without upgrades each click gives 1g (1 gram) of production.

In order to sell the product you produced click on the money icon.

The amount you make for each sale is based on your purity. 1 gram at 50% purity will give you 50$, 1 gram at 20% purity will give you 20$.

What browsers do you support

Although we only officially support Google Chrome, other browsers like Firefox, Safari, and Opera all seem to work just fine. Additionally mobile devices such as the iphone when turned to landscape mode have proven to work very well with the exception of not allowing fast clicking.

What is the Dealer

The dealer is a core component to the game. Each dealer sells a small amount of product each half second and each dealer costs 1000$. Without them you could not make any cash.

Dealers can be upgraded to sell the product for a higher price using the upgrades tab. Dealers can be stopped by the corrupt cop as well when you need grams to buy upgrades.

Dealers can be purchased by clicking the buy button to the right of the street and or can be purchased for free if you hire master dealers. You can expand the maximum amount of dealers you can have by purchasing upgrades.

Who is the Master Dealer

The Master dealer costs $500,000 to hire.

A master dealer hires a normal dealer every 3 seconds, and the effect can be stacked. That is you can own as many of them as you want.

Every dealer a master dealer hires is hired for free. That is it costs you 0$ rather than the 1000$ it costs to manually hire dealers.

What does the Corrupt Cop do?

The corrupt cop requires 5 achievements and costs $500,000,000 to hire. Only one can be hired.

The corrupt cop momentarily pauses dealers. To pause click to the left of the street containing the dealers over the city layout. This button will then turn into a play button. To activate your dealers again hit the play button in the same location.

What does the Banker do?

The banker requires 10 achievements and costs $50,000,000,000 to hire.

The banker allows you to get an additional 1-10% of the current money you have. He gives you a new quote once every 5minutes and when you decide to take his offer you must wait 30 minutes to get an offer again.

It is recommended to take high offers and to pass up low offers from the banker.

To activate the Banker simply click on him when he holds up his sign (above the achievements tab) to get the % he is offering you.

What does the Super Chemist do?

The super chemist requires 22 achievements and costs $28 Trillion to hire.

Once the super chemist is hired, the test tube icon will have a moving black dot and a stationary white circle around it.

The goal is to click the test tube icon when the moving black dot is right in the stationary white circle. When the click is successful your purity will go up by one percent and the white circle will change its location. The amount of times in a row that you are able click on the rotating dot will dictate the bonus purity you receive. If you miss click your combo will be reset to 0 and you will gain no additional purity from the Super Chemist.

List of Upgrades

Double Clook Cost: 50g of meth, 100% success rate. Effect: Only affects the flask icon, production increase to 2 grams per click.
Expansion I Cost: 20,000g, 50% success rate. Effect: Increases maximum number of dealers to 4000.
Methamatics Cost: 40,000g, 100% success rate. Effect: Dealers' sell rate increases by 10%. (Compounded)
Expansion II Cost: 500,000g, 20% success rate. Effect: Increases maximum number of dealers to 500,000.
Expansion III Cost: 60,000,000g, 10% success rate. Effect: Increases maximum number of dealers to 500,000,000.
Purify I Cost: 100,000g, 75% success rate. Effect: Meth purity +5%. (Not compounded)
Purify II Cost: 10,000,000g, 50% success rate. Effect: Meth purity +5%. (Not compounded)
Purify III Cost: 1,333,333,333g, 25% success rate. Effect: Meth purity +5%. (Not compounded)
Goatee Cost: 1,600,000g, 100% success rate. Effect: Dealers' sell rate increases by 10%. (Compounded)
Secret Ingredient Cost: 32,000,000g, 75% success rate. Effect: Dealers' sell rate increases by 10%. (Compounded)
Politician Cost: 100,000,000g, 50% success rate. Effect: Dealers' sell rate increases by 20%. (Compounded)
Science Cost: 300,000g. 50% success rate Effect: Each click on grams gives [1(original) or 2(double clook)] + 1% of the current cooking rate.

Tab 2

Diplomat Cost: 1 Trillion g, 20% success (1 Feeding) Effect: Dealers' sell rate increases by 30%.
Brave New World Cost: 7 Tillion g, 9% success (5 Feedings) Effect: Increases max dealers to 999.9 Trillion.
Dark Matter Cost: 11.1 Tillion g, 11% success (15 Feedings) Effect: Removes 100% purity cap.
Super Dealer Cost: 10 Billion g, 75% success (0 Feedings) Effect: Doubles Master Dealer Hire Rate (Stackable).
Slave Trader Cost: 3 Trillion g, 40% success (3 Feedings) Effect: Doubles Master Dealer Hire Rate (Stackable).
Puppetter Cost: 40 Trillion g, 15% success (30 Feedings) Effect: Doubles Master Dealer Hire Rate (Stackable).
Kill Joe Bob Cost: 999 Tillion g, 2% success (200 Feedings) Effect: Kills Joe Bob.

List of Accomplishments

Liked To get: Share on facebook by clicking the like button in the game. If you already liked the game unlike it and relike it in game to reset.
Evangelism To get: Refer a user to the game using your unique referral link. User cannot be on the same IP address as you (Same network connection) and cannot be on the same computer.
Donor To get: Donate through paypal, at least $1.50.
Click To get: Click Cook or Cash 1,000 times.
Click Master To get: Click Cook or Cash 10,000 times.
1337 To get: Using the Corrupt Cop stop your current Cash on $1,333,337. If you are making cash too fast to do this you can try buying and selling places at a loss and then using your mouse to click buy the cash and product to get to this amount.
Millionaire To get: Make a total of a Million Dollars (All time).
Billionaire To get: Make a total of a Billion Dollars (All time).
Trillionaire To get: Make a total of a Trillion Dollars (All time).
Megaton To get: Cook a total of a trillion grams of Product (All time).
One Day To get: Play for 24hrs.
Goodbye Earth To get: Own the Moon.
Meth to America To get: Employ (in dealers) the Population of the US.
Super Clicker To get: Click the Cash or Cook 10 times in a second or more.
Precision To get: Get a 30 combo from the Super Chemist.
Real Estate To get: Have owned one of every location at one point.
Easy Money To get: Make a Million $ a second.
Toilet Paper To get: Make a Billion $ a second.
Back to the Basics To get: Make over a million dollars in total and then sell all currently owned places.
Made In China To get: Employ 1 Million Chinese workers (Notice they come in groups of 500).
Cleanin' up the Streets To get: Employ 50 crackhead cooks.
Back on the Streets To get: Sell crackhead cooks.
Return of the King To get: Load your save game for the first time.
Overflow To get: Click the foam for your first time.

Errors and troubleshooting

Lost savegame

i) Are you a donor, if so we may have your save on the server.
ii) Were you using incognito mode, if so that is the reason. Incognito does not allow cookies.
iii) Did you delete browser history, if so you may have accidentally deleted cookies.
iv) Are you on the same browser? You need to use the same browser and computer to load the game from your cookie.
v) Are you using Google Chrome? It is the only one we can guarantee works since we only test using Chrome.
vi) If none of the above are correct it may be our fault, please send us a message on facebook or check the posts on facebook and reddit to see if anyone else is having the same issue.

Cooked amount is not going up, it is stuck at 0. (no meth production)

i)Most likely you are selling faster than you are cooking it, try hiring more cooks.
ii) You have not hired any workers.

How do I stop the Corrupt Cop

i) Click the play button where the pause button was. To the left of the dealers.

The game doesn't play in the background (while tabbed out)

i) Try minimizing it as its own window. Ctrl+N and then minimize the game.

I donated but did not receive the donation accomplishment

i) You did not donate $1.50 so the donation did not register with paypal due to their high fees.
ii) You did not let paypal redirect you after the transaction. In this case private message us on facebook with your paypal email and transaction ID and we will give you the correct link to get the achievement.

The game is laggy

i) We recommend Google Chrome for playing this game since it uses canvas.
ii) If you are on Internet Explorer then you will definitely lag if it works at all. Stop using Internet Explorer it is horrible.
iii) You are on a computer with a single core processor or less than 1 GB of RAM. Sorry but you need a better computer :'(

Donation didn't work

i) Did you donate at least $1.50? If not we get next to nothing due to Paypal's fees and if it is under 50cents we get nothing at all.
ii) Did the donation redirect you? If no you needed to let it redirect you, contact us via facebook through a message with your ticket id and we will sort it out for you.
iii) Did the donation redirect you? If yes did you get a thank you page? If it did but did not credit contact us via facebook through a message with your ticket id and we will sort it out for you.
iv) Did the donation redirect you? If yes did you get a thank you page? If no contact us via facebook through a message with your ticket id and we will sort it out for you.
v) Do you have adblock plus enabled? If so this is the reason. Disable it and either refresh your donation page or contact us.

Facebook like didn't work

Do you have adblock plus enabled? If so this is the reason. Disable it and refresh your page, it should then work. You may need to unlike and relike the like button.

Why you should donate

We want to make more games, if you donate we can do that. Also eating is nice on occasion and as poor college students this is our only source of income. Please please donate and allow us to continue living.

Additionally if that isn't enough to sway you, we will give you a neat accomplishment. We will also backup your savegame to the server everytime you leave the game so that there is a chance we can restore your game if you lose it.

How to cook Product

To cook your product you need to start by clicking the cook button .

Once you have made enough money by selling your product and getting cash you can buy a location. After buying the location you can hire people to cook for you.

Better places cook more product. And this product has a higher purity.

Developer Videos

Nothing here yet, come back soon.

In the mean time, check out our awesome workspace!

Where the magic happens
It has been a pleasure pulling all-nighters for you guys.

Black Holes and Joe Bob

The second page of upgrades unlocks when you click on joe bob the flying angel. He will randomly appear to the right of your dealers or cooks after you have aquired the goodbye earth achievement. By clicking him you unlock the second page of upgrades.

To get the upgrades on the second upgrades page you have to feed groups of 100million dealers to a blackhole.

*The blackhole can be sold without losing the second page of upgrades.

How to increase purity with the super chemist

Click the purity when the two balls meet. Thanks netino!

How to cook Product

To cook your product you need to start by clicking the cook button .

Once you have made enough money by selling your product and getting cash you can buy a location. After buying the location you can hire people to cook for you.

Better places cook more product. And this product has a higher purity.

What is purity

As everyone has learned from Breaking Bad, higher purity means a higher street price. People don't want anything mixed in with their posion.

In DrMeth, purity is a key feature. You can raise your purity by buying more expensive places, by getting the purity upgrades, and by getting a high combo from the super chemist.

While lower places bring down your purity average they do so in proportion to the amount of product they produce. For example while a hundred trailers might bring down your purity if you only own the trailers and one house, if you own a hundred houses and a hundred trailers they won't make much of a dent in the purity.

Efficiency plays a key role in your purity. If you have too many of one place the purity of that location will go down.

What are places

Places are the locations you can buy and in which you can hire people to cook your product for you.

The more expensive the place the more the workers make and the higher purity the product has.

When the total amount you have made (All Time) is greater than half the value of the location you are buying the location will unlock.

What are People

People are ... people ... that you can hire.

Each person has a special skill that will expand your control over your empire. People require accomplishments to unlock.

What are Upgrades

To put it plainly upgrades are just that, they are upgrades. Each upgrade has a unique property ranging from increasing your max dealer count to increasing purity to increasing how much your clicks count for.

What are Achievements

Achievements are elements of the game that you gain by fulfilling a certain criteria. These achievements are then used to unlock certain game elements like the people in the hire tab.

How do I save the game

You do not have to do anything to save the game, just make sure you are not in incognito mode and make sure your browser allows cookies and you are good to go. As long as you return within a 30day period and do not clear your browser cookies you will retain your save game.

It is recommended however that you backup your game by exporting it every so often by clicking the export button on the bottom left of the screen and saving the text somewhere.